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Image by Lukasz Szmigiel

acceptance and commitment therapy to
move through indecision
out of self-doubt
into a life of deeper meaning

Welcome, fellow human!

I offer therapy to people who are experiencing indecision, self-doubt, and a longing for more depth, meaning or connection in their life. As an ACT therapist, I am equipped to help you foster real, lasting (evidence-based) growth in how you live. We can work together to create a life that embraces freedom and reflects who you truly are and what you care about most.


Find freedom to start living as the real you


Evidence-based therapy to foster lasting change


Schedule your first session now

Image by Dan Otis

Who I work with:

For the indecisive and over-decisive, for the self-doubters and the insecure, for those who long for something more.

What if you could freely be the real you?


Can you imagine showing up to your relationships with presence and confidence?

Can you imagine feeling clear about who you are, what you stand for, and how to tangibly be yourself in your choices?


Imagine you didn't have to monitor yourself, argue with yourself, doubt yourself, worry about yourself, question yourself or hide yourself.

Would you have more time to focus on your what you care about?

Would you have more energy to share with others?

Would you have more space to cultivate peace and meaning in your life?

What if you don't have to stay stuck anymore in patterns that don't serve you?

What if there's another way to "be" that is more present, deep, real and attuned to what matters most?

This shift—from not being the real you to showing up in life with clarity and confidence—is the focus of the therapy I do.

Image by Наталья Кленова
“I’ve always felt I had to do things because they were expected of me, or more important, to make people like me. The hell with it! I think from now on I’m going to just be me." 

~ Carl Rogers

I work with humans experiencing:

01 Indecision

You don't feel clear about either a specific decision or how to make authentic decisions in general​

You "think to death" about decisions but have trouble knowing when it's time to move forward or risk a change​


You have a particular obstacle (psychological or external) that makes it feel difficult/impossible to move forward, but you are unsatisfied with where you are

Or, over-decisive/controlled--your efforts to assert control are creating unsustainable costs, such as stress for yourself, strain on your relationships, or priorities being neglected

02 Self-doubt 

You feel like there's a relentless questionmark over your whole self--"am I okay/acceptable?"

You waver between artificial enthusiasm and disappearing into the shadows

You feel like you're wearing a mask you don't know how to take off or are afraid to take off

You apologize for taking up space

03 Longing for deeper meaning + connection

You feel a level of emptiness, like there's a depth to living you're missing

You feel lonely even when you're not alone. Like you can't quite fully connect with people

With family members or certain friends you slide into old patterns that don't reflect your recent growth

You spend time avoiding your pain or distracted from the present moment

04 All of the related struggles

Any of these or others:

You get caught in "hamster wheels" of thinking that you don't know how to break free from


A lot of your time, energy and attention is focused on monitoring yourself, your actions, or how you're perceived

You aren't sure if you're a good or worthy person

You can find freedom to:

01 Indecisive
Make wholehearted decisions

Uncover the hidden obstacles (including fears, emotions, beliefs and "hamster wheels") that you have to making decisions 

Clarify what matters to you most and how that connects to your indecision

Connect experientially with alternative, embodied ways of approaching decisions


Start making choices, big and small, that reflect what matters to you 

(reach out for more on "over-decisive")

03 Longing for deeper meaning + connection
Risk being the real you in relationships

02 Self-doubt
Trust yourself

Better understand the true nature of your doubt and insecurities. Know and name what you fear.

Learn how to welcome difficult feelings for the sake of what you care about

Build flexible, constructive ways of relating to self-doubt and insecurity that undermine their role in your life

Learn to coexist with all your feelings while you boldly and freely live out your values

Clarify what you are truly longing for, deep down

Learn how to show up as yourself, not wearing a mask, in your relationships

Slow down and become genuinely present to yourself, other humans, the earth, and your faith (if religious/spiritual)


Take tangible steps to build connection and meaning in ways that reflect all that you are

04 All the related struggles
Build flexibility to handle challenges well

Really face and get to know who you are and how you honestly feel about yourself, your life, your relationships

Learn healthier ways to handle when your thoughts or feelings get out of control

Become more aware of your auto-pilot reactions and how to interrupt them

Notice parts of yourself that are hidden in plain sight and impacting how you feel and the choices you make

to keep in mind:

you won't end up in therapy by accident!

If you feel like "hmm, maybe this would be good for me..." I invite you take the first step. Reach out!

Reach out with questions or to schedule a free phone or video consultation.

We can talk about what's going on and see if I'm a fit for what you're looking for.

Thanks for submitting!


You should hear from me within 24 hours.

If you don't, reach out another way and let me know.

Reach Out

Contact Info




work phone:



 Virtual in Pennsylvania

in-person near or in Philadelphia coming soon 

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