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Christian Misfits

Christian misfits are people who don't quite fit in either in the church or outside of it. If you are Christian to some degree, but feel conflicted about aspects of your faith or don't quite feel like you fit in in the Church, you might be in this camp! I work with Christin misfits in therapy. 

Dear Christian Misfits,

I work with Christian misfits in therapy. I leave the term somewhat loosely defined because there is such a diverse spectrum of what it looks like to be a Christian or a Christian misfit--anywhere from barely Christian at all to deeply Christian but also deeply conflicted about aspects of your faith or the Church. My hope is to provide a space where you are seen for all of the complexity and nuance that you are. There are so few spaces in America where having nuanced Christian faith is welcome--people want to categorize you as "in" or "out" of their various camps, so much so that it can be confusing to even know within yourself what you believe and where you fit in in the world. 

If we work together in therapy, I will hold space for you to be all that you are. I will listen to your story and your experience, and we can work together to find a life and faith that's authentic to you. I won't have any secret agenda for having you end up with or without certain beliefs. Together we can explore you--your past, your present, your faith, your fears, your habits, your dreams--and we can move you towards a life that represents you and what matters to you as a whole.

You can learn more about my approach to therapy on the other pages. Rest assured (or unassured) that we won't just be looking at your beliefs and talking about what you think. We will be exploring your way of being in the world and moving towards flexibility and openness so that you have the freedom to make real choices (not just be a habit/reaction-machine). Most of us are used to a very rigid way of relating to faith and God. Real work in therapy requires that you are willing to take some level of risk both emotionally and mentally and in this case, spiritually. If you're looking for a safe place to stay still in the beliefs you want to have or have always had, this isn't it! If you're looking for a safe place to explore who you are, take risks, grow, build flexibility and--maybe--find God and what your faith was really meant to be: welcome home.



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