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Therapy for Christians

I offer counseling to those seeking to have their faith welcomed into the therapy room, but who still desire traditional therapy

It's up to you how incorporated your faith is into therapy--anywhere from not at all to a core value is welcome. Some people are seeking therapy specifically to make sense of their Christian identity in light of everything they are and/or everything they've experienced. Others seek counseling for something entirely unrelated (e.g. work stress or anxiety) but would like to know their counselor shares aspects of their beliefs or background. You are in the lead on the extent to which your faith is incorporated into therapy.

Which Christians?

Here are some examples of situations in which people may seek this type of counseling:

In some cases, I won't be a match for what you are looking for.

I would NOT be a good fit if:

  • You are seeking "Biblical counseling" (see FAQ for more info)

  • You are seeking Christian therapy for your child or someone else who is not personally interested in therapy

  • You are seeking conversion-therapy for yourself or someone else

  • You are seeking trauma therapy for a sexual abuse experience at a Church. While you are so, so welcome in therapy, I am not the best fit for you because I do not have trauma therapy training beyond what I received in my graduate program. You can find better help from a trauma-focused therapist. I can point you in the right direction if you are interested in this.

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